Sunday, August 15, 2010


For now.

You can read about my scary internet harassment incident here. Nothing new has happened since that post. I'm optimistic that the whole ordeal might be over. For now, I just want to be back to normal. But I am going to try to be a little more careful about what I post on any internet forum.

Does anyone know how to make the content of blogs not searchable? Is that even possible?


Anonymous said...

That's horrible. It's straight out of an above the law headline. I hope your stalker has found better things to do with life. Ugh. Hug hug.

Brittany said...

You can go to your settings and make it so that search engines to "crawl" your blog. Then no one will find it through Google/Yahoo/etc. That's the best I know.

Sorry you're going through this. That is truly terrifying.

EH said...

Glad you're back, but OMG, that is scary and creep and awful.


Amanda said...

I know that you can set it through blogger so you don't get searched as much, but I still think there's a chance that people can find your blog. I know I still get some google searches, but not nearly as much as I used to. I think the only way to be 100% unsearchable is to be private :(

Hallie said...

Ugh. I'm a new reader but have really enjoyed reading your archives. I hope you get this all sorted out - how scary!

Anonymous said...

Cee, I somehow missed your Aug 3rd post, but holy kamolie! That is terrible and mortifying on so may levels. It sounds like you may have a FB friend who isn't a friend at all. Did the police track the email so as to figure out who s/he is?

I don't think that there is anyway to scrub prior blog posts from the internet, other than possibly removing the old posts (so that when people click on the links to them the page cannot be found) and reopening it as a private blog under a new URL. :(

Big hug!

je said...

oh my god, cee. i was wondering why your blog went dark. although i'm glad to hear that nothing on your facebook statuses were unthinkably terrible, it sounds horribly embarassing and i can't even imagine what type of a terrible person would do something like that. what a nightmare. i hope you don't shut down your blog for good, but completely understand why you'd go under the radar for however long you feel is appropriate. all the best of luck to you in dealing with this.

Cowgirl in the City said...

Wow. That is terrifying. I think you've taught me a great lesson to double check what I post whether it is work or law school appropriate or not.

I usually feel like I'm fine because I have few coworkers that read my blog and none that are on facebook. But that is a huge reality check! Good luck, and thanks for sharing a bit of reality with us.

FSD said...

How scary, Cee! I wondered what happened when I got the "This blog is only open to invited readers" message about a week ago. I hope this is the last of your stalker. It seems like a lot of your stalker's concern centers around the coworker. Is he married? If so, perhaps it's his wife (too obvious) or a friend of the wife's? Maybe it's even someone you *think* is a friend, but who may be envious of you? Who knows?! I know you're trying to figure it out like mad.

I have no advice on keeping your blog private/unsearchable. I'm sure you've done this already, but when I Googled your name, your blog came up immediately. Maybe the first thing is to change the URL for your blog by removing your name and all other references to your name. Also, a friend taught me about placing periods in the middle of commonly Googled names. (e.g., Wa.lma.rt) That will give your blog less traffic. The best course of action may be to take your blog private, as you recently did.

I'm sorry this happened. How have things been at work since "THE" email and the visit by the cops?

Paragon2Pieces said...

Hi Cee. I had been wondering what had happened that inspired the password protection and I'm so sorry to hear it was something as terrible as this. Good for you for reporting the incident to the police. I had something similar happen to me in college and I didn't take it to the police... a decision I truly regret. Fingers crossed that you don't have any further problems.

LEO said...

Glad you're back, hope that this is the end of it! If it counts for anything, I think you handled this all really well when the shit hit the fan.

KateBannet said...
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KateBannet said...

Doing the above will help with this. If you use source material, either as a direct quotation or as a summary in your own words, you must make a reference to it in your text and give the full details in your bibliography. You must always credit the original author, otherwise your lecturer will think you are trying to cheat or pass off someone else's idea as your own. More help with essays here

wheaseth said...

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