Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 Little Numbers

Cee has a bar number! I've been checking my State's bar association website every five minutes for the past two weeks hoping that the State Supreme Court got my application and that everything went through. It feels so weird to actually see my name there with my very own bar number. I shrieked like a little girl (or big girl) at a Hannah Montana concert and then immediately memorized my bar number (I get excited about the little things ok?!).

I feel so official! I never knew five little numbers could have such an effect! I almost feel like a different person. Later in the afternoon, I had to make several calls about a discovery issue. When I introduced myself over the phone, I made a very special effort to mention that I was an attorney working for Firm X as opposing to just "Cee from Firm X."

I've only been an admitted attorney for one day and my head has already doubled in size.

Tomorrow I get to sign my very first pleading which will be an Answer in a small claim personal injury lawsuit. I think this is a worthy occasion to bust out my talking Napolean Dynamite pen.


je said...

Wow, congrats!!! You were taking a year off from 2L to have Jacob when I found your blog (and I was thinking about law school...lol)! Time flies!

Shan said...

*squeal!* That is exactly the nerdy type of thing I would be excited about. I would be seriously tempted to make a copy and frame that answer as a memento. LOL.

EH said...

Congrats!! Getting your number is a huge deal, and you will find yourself rattling it off on all sorts of random weird occasions. (Anyway, I did.) :)

Anonymous said...

I f-ing LOVE Napolean Dynamite.


LEO said...

Congrats! I love that you already memorized yours!