Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some Finals Humor....

Brought to you by Jacob. "Prof! My Baby deleted my final exam!"


gudnuff said...

You're a brave woman! Just seeing that picture makes my heart jump into my throat. What if he upchucked onto the keyboard?

newduck said...

This gives me heart palpitations. My baby is 14 months old and has touched my computer exactly never. I plan to keep it that way until she hits menopause.

LEO said...

I was almost too nervous to keep watching, but since it wasn't my computer, I just had to. How did you manage to film this A) so calmly and B) without laughing?

FSD said...

That's hilarious! I can tell that Jacob has seen you on your laptop a time or two. LOL. He was having a blast.

CM said...

Phew. When I read just the text in Bloglines, I thought you were serious (and the title was meant to be bitterly sarcastic).

Butterflyfish said...

Ditto everyone above. That was insane. My four year old occasionally tries to sneak a tap on the space bar.... computer forbidden!!